Thursday, July 19, 2012

Review: Buying Essential Oils

What essential oils are
Oil labeled essential, does not really mean it is critical or that it is made from a very important stuff from the plant. The term essential is, in most cases, used to refer to the distinctive aroma of the parent plant. However, these oils are so vital for skin care and sweet scent that it would still be correct to consider them essential in our lives. An essential oil is a liquid having the pure fragrance or the volatile aromatic compounds from tree barks, herbs, or other plant materials. It ought to originate from an organically grown source - they have natural sources. The oils derive their names mainly from plants they are extracted; therefore, tea tree essential oil is an essence of tea tree.
Where to buy essential oils
Where to buy essential oils is a very frequent question among users and prospective users of these vital products. People wonder which between buying essential oils from local health food stores, online stores or well known multinational stores is a good idea.
In trying to answer this question I would go for a specific essential oil - tea tree essential oil.
There are just a couple of rules to keep in mind when you are looking for where to buy essential oils, in particular tea tree oil:
1.) Know the source of your desired product
2.) Buy from someone with knowledge on the particular essential oil
4.) Buy the right kind of oil for your needs

1. Know the source of your essential oil
There are basically hundreds of species of Melaleuca, lots of which are capable of yield tea tree oil. Not all of these tea tree oils are essential oils are even healthy. There are also numerous countries producing tea tree oil, some with a really nasty smell and useless blends that are labeled pure tea tree oil. Due to the variety of parent trees, their oil may not work for your situation. There are probably hundreds of companies manufacturing tea tree oil and thousands of distributors for that matter. Make sure you know the exact choice of your product and be sure it is from the best manufacturers. Trace where your vendor stores and those in the internet get their products. If you can get this information you better cancel the trade before buying those cheap low grade products from anonymous countries and manufacturers.
2. Buy from someone with knowledge on the particular essential oil
Go to your local store, WalMart and the other good stores. The stores must be those which offer great variety and values and with helpful and friendly staff. While there, inquire from the customer service personnel which of the tea tree essential oil offered by their store is the best, and why you ought to buy tea tree oil from their store.  They should be able to explain the benefit of the different tea tree oil and what makes them different from the rest. Purchase tea tree oil that meets your specific needs. Be specific on your needs, let them know what you are looking for and go for it irrespective of the cost. Just avoid cheap stuff, they aren't going to work.
3. Buy the right essential oil for your need
Cheap 'essential' oils stink! They have bad smell, can irritate your skin, and even overpower your senses making hate even the smell of the most useful and helpful essential oils on the earth.
If you are applying the tea tree oil on your skin, hair, or for delicate dental needs, and oral only get highest quality tea tree oil.
But cheap oil can't miss its place. It is very useful in paint to reduce fungus and mold growth. You may also add it to your laundry as an antibacterial. In this case, the answer to where to buy essential oils is very simple - just anywhere. However, these cheap tea tree oils may be for janitorial, industrial and laundry use, household cleaners should not be used therapeutic applications and cosmetics.
If you want tea tree essential for fragrance, then you better buy the aromatherapy quality oils from a reputable company or store.
doTTERA essential stores, Mountain Rose herbs and are just to mention a few such top quality companies and stores. is an online store and to include it here may just tell you that online stores can also be a good answer if you are looking for where to buy essential oils, especially for those who like online shopping and/or have no time to enter a local store. There are many other stores and companies having quality essential oils. So it is advisable to research well before deciding on where to buy essential oils.

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