Monday, July 16, 2012

Pinterest Review: Amazing Tools To Spice Up Your Pinterest Experience

Pinterest alone offers its users various useful tools to help them market their accounts, including a Pin-It-button and Follow Button which they can easily install on any site. However, having such an active community, there are a load of other interesting apps, tools, and websites which seek to improve the Pinterest experience even further. Pinterest analytics, WordPress plugins, great Pinterest hacks and layouts and Printerest access through mobile phones are just but a few ways Pinterest's vivacious society can enjoy.
Below is a list of these wonderful tools to spice up your Printest experience.
Influence Measurement tools
PinReach and pinpuff are Analytics tools which enable users to check their influence - to gauge and monitor their trends on the site. Pinreach just requires you to sign up and confirm your account after which you will be able to monitor your PinReach score or influence. This enables you to think of ways to raise your user-engagement on your page and increase your general influence on Pinterest.
Blogging tools
There are numerous ways of adding a Pinterest button to your blog. Pinterest-Pin-it button plugin places a Pin, automatically at the bottom of your posts- both new and old. For example, to include the button in your page or place it in a widget, you just need to add the short code [pinterest] at your desired position. Pin-it-on-pinterest enables you have full control over the image within your which can be pinned. Another useful plugin in this category is Pinterest "Pin-it" button, which offers easy full control over your Pin-it button. After a string of tuning settings, this plugin enables you to easily decide where the Pin-it button will show.
Raising your email signature
Wisestamp, now supports Pinterest and enables you to increase your email signature. The service's Pinterest-Email Application permits easy addition of a Follow-Me-on-Pinterest button to your signature. Secondly, Wisestamp offers an option to add a Pinterest button simply beside your icons for other social profiles.
Sharing Screenshots
To share a number of screenshots on Pinterest you will certainly get efficient way to do it from is a beautiful means through which web designers share their work with their followers on Pinterest. Simply enter the address of the site you wish to share, click the Pinterest button, and a pop-up window emerges where you choose the board and insert your description.

Pinterest on your phone
The site now has an official iPhone app which enables you to carry your account wherever you go. You can pin your phone's photos through this app. If you are an Android user, however, you aren't that lucky. You can access all of the website's features on your browser; however, you will have no capability to upload a photo.
A tiny free Android app resolve that hitch. Pin-to-Pinterest gives you the additional option to pin your phone images.
Downloading iOS app, Pinterest-it, enable you to pin images directly from your mobile browser. This app has its own browser, with in-built Pinterest button, but if you'd fancy using Apple's indigenous safari, this app has instructions on a way to incorporate the button into your browser.

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